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Keyboard shortcut


Symbole FR Shortcut CH DE Shortcut
| Alt + Maj + L Alt + 7
\ Alt + Maj + / Alt + Maj + 7
[ Alt + Maj + ( Alt + 5
] Alt + Maj + ) Alt + 6
{ Alt + ( Alt + 8
} Alt + ) Alt + 9


Shortcut Action
Ctrl + Cmd + Q Lock the screen
Cmd + Alt + Maj + V Past whithout formatting
Cmd + Maj + R Reload the navigator window
Cmd + Maj + D Once in the finder, go to Desktop
Cmd + Maj + H Once in the finder, go to Home

Package managment

Install Homebrew:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"


Here is the list of packages I usually use:

Here is how to install this packages using the terminal:

brew install rectangle
brew install bat
brew install fzf
brew install tig