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Naming Convention

Global Naming Pattern


With the following attributes

  • owner: who ones the ressource? Typically a personne or a group of personne.
  • project: by whom is the ressource used?
  • env: in which environment are we? dev | stage | prod
  • ressource: what ressource type is it? compute | k8s | bucket | ...
  • location: where is the ressource located? In a region? In a AZ?
  • description: What is the aim of the ressource?
  • suffix: random suffix to differenciate the ressource from other similar one and make sure uniqueness is achieved

DNS Naming Pattern


With the following attributes:

  • project: by whom is the ressource used?
  • env: in which environment are we? dev | stage | prod
  • dns_domain: DNS domain used


Thanks to Stepan for his blog article which inspired most of this page.